
Dress like a boss

If you dress like a boss,
ur gonna feel like a boss.
Easy equation, great effect!

This one is dedicated to The Lonely Island and the Germans' favourite, Kollegah. It's in fact not new, but if you wanna know how to be a boss, check the links and become epic. 


Let a journalist into your room

It is in fact a good thing for your
winter-depressed ego to have a feature within a magazine or a newspaper.
So why don't you look for somebody (a journalist)
who visits you in order to present your freakin' cool personality??
Simply get connected and do a little small talk.
Here's the original article (german).

This pic was  taken by Juri. You can find his work here and get in touch with him here: It's an online community from Germany 's biggest newspaper. Like!

Quit Social Networks

U wonder what is epic about that?
It is, contrary to the recent oponion,
no lame hipster runoff to show how cool people can be
without social networks.

It has simply two advantages.
1) more time for creativity
2) more time for other people (includes sex, taking drugs, doing parties, socializing)

Welcome to the RL. It suffices to quit  social networks or internet generally for one month first to check how it works.
It's epic!
This one is made because currently, it's the christmassy time of reflection. Quitting social networks for a while helps you to find new music, get new impressions, have time to think freely. 


Change perspectives

Yeah, it is true:
Most of the blogreaders have an acceptable social background with all its benefits.
This doesn't mean we want to exclude others!
You need to change perspectives therefore.
Drink beer while working.
Don't buy a train ticket.
Use colloqial language when it's not adequate.
Behave against public rules.

These pictures illustrate how important it is to quit normal life sometimes. It is left unclear here if this is fake or not; simply recognize the fact that there ARE people like this. And they are epic, too.


Become cosmic

Watch the stars.
Enjoy the elements.
Go back to the roots, and get filthy.
Recognize that mother earth is the new cocaine,

This one is dedicated to all the guys trying to get in touch with nature in different senses. One example could be the Bali-based filth collective, which can be found on facebook.


Go to the Mountains

Great humility for nature is not far away from the city.
Just go down south for a maximum of 90 km.
Gratefulness for being born plus ideas of quitting society life guaranteed!

These epic experiences are to be made on Germany's highest mountain, the Zugspitze. From Munich, it takes you approx. 2 h to get there. 


Take four, pt.2

Sometimes, there is nothing better than eating something lightfor dinner.  
Therefore, keep it simple and take only four ingredients.



This epic Sandwich is made from fresh tomatoes, lovely cuke, some cream cheese and local whole-wheat bread. Excellent with some salt+pepper on top!


Change the sex-location

Ok, following the trend of acting against established rules doesn't matter here.
Anyways it could be fun to try some new places and to change the act-position.

This sweet device was diverted from its intended use by a one-night-stand-couple in Hamburg, Germany. The city is not for nothing known for loving sex. in all varieties. 


Escape to another world

Sometimes it's monday morning and you're not willing to stand your reality.
Welcome to the land of plenty!
Create yourself a dream world with all the amenities you can imagine.

These pictures were taken at the Olympiapark, Munich, and in Cologne at the funny Banana-Split Party and on the streets. Sometimes you have to denie your own city to get new input for your daily reality drive.