
Show Titties

As it is considered one of the realest weapons
women can deal with.
Reach your goals!


Go Camping

This summer
being outdoors is a sign of the times!
Go green, hippie, stylish in nature, 
go camping! 
You learn a lot about yourself.


Find Hidden Places

Do a tour through your city
and find hidden places,
like a gallery in the backyard!

This one is a gallery so hidden we needed a few times to find it. It's located in Munich and it shows orignal serigraphs from the city's 1960's artist collectives like the infamous 'Gruppe Wir'. Awesome!


Respect Your Mamma

There's a reason why Dolce & Gabbana
chose Madonna for their new Campaign.
She's a mamma. And you don't mess with Mammas.

Your Mamma is the maternal patriarch of the family.

She will kick Your ass.
She earns all of Your respect.
Why don't You send some flowers?

This shoot has been with a real mamma, shot in April 2011.